Family Friendly Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas Without Chemicals

Our whole world is so full of pesticides and toxins that we seem to be bathing in them and when it comes to our pets, they often literally are. We're a society of quick fixes and we want quick and permanent relief from pests that annoy and irritate us. It's only natural that when our pet brings home an infestation of fleas, we want to turn to chemical insecticides to rid the house of the pets quickly and thoroughly.

Play Yard Baby

However, it isn't necessary to soak your household with chemicals and toxic products to get rid of fleas. Chemical products are marketed by advertisers who want you to believe you must use their product to be flea-free. They are not going to tell you that there are safer, family-friendly ways to remove fleas from your pet and home that don't place your family's health at risk. It's up to us to become a bit wiser and to realize that the way we think about these things is largely the result of clever marketing over time.

Play Yard Baby

You can avoid insecticidal or chemical treatment soaps and sprays and still rid your pet and home of fleas. They aren't necessary for flea removal. After all, what did people do before this chemical age? Regular soap is perfect for killing fleas, so you can wash your pet once or twice with pet shampoo to rid it of the pests. The soap suds act with the water to drown the fleas, others will be washed off by the flow of the water and if outside will often drown in the puddles created. When your pet is dry, comb it well with a flea comb to remove eggs.

To prevent re-infestation, you will need to get them out of your home before your pet comes back in. If your throw rugs and blankets are small enough, toss them in the washing machine and wash with laundry detergent in hot water. If your washing machine is too small, most bath tubs will be large enough to completely cover them with soapy water and drown the fleas. Any fabric item that your pet likes to rest on also needs to be washed thoroughly. If your pet enjoys sleeping on a pile of your clothing (cat owners will understand this), those shirts and pants will need to be washed as well.

Carpets can crawl with fleas which love to hide in the tiny fibers. It is therefore essential to completely clean your carpet to remove all fleas. Vacuum first. Vacuuming can remove fifty percent of the fleas on a single pass. After you vacuum, your carpeting can be washed with soapy water, but soak it well. A token scrub with a soapy rag isn't going to be enough to kill fleas or eggs. A steam-cleaning job by a professional is probably the best way to go to clean carpets and rid them of fleas.

Once you have thoroughly cleaned your carpets and rid your home of fleas, it is necessary to vacuum often and wash your pet regularly in soapy water using a flea comb afterwards, in order to prevent re-infestation. This care, however, will be worth it to you in time and trouble and of course, family and pet health.

Family Friendly Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas Without Chemicals
Play Yard Baby

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