Names of Roses

William Shakespeare's famous lines written for the play Romeo and Juliet "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". The Names of Roses are anything but plain and ordinary. The beauty of a rose is one that the eye never tires of and the name of a rose always stays the same.

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From the family Rosaceae, the rose is considered a perennial shrub or vine and contains over one hundred species and the colors range from white to black. The varieties range from miniature roses to large bushes and usually sharp prickles called thorns. The name rose originates back to the Old Persian period and slightly deviated over time through different eras of Greek, Latin and French.

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The varieties that currently in existence were developed for size, bloom shape, fragrance and even to reduce the amount of thorns. Other factors in creating a new rose can even be to be more resistant to drought, shade tolerant or to be more accepting to the environment that you live in.

The Names of Roses can come from anything but usually has something to do with the color, a person or event. Since the number of different types of roses is still expanding, the roses are usually organized on a list according to their colors or common names.

In addition to the roses being listed by color and common names, they will be also catergorized by type or class (bush, climber, miniature) and perhaps the zone they grow best in.

Miniature roses for the color white could be Angelita, Popcorn or Whiteout while tall could be Madame Hardy, Prairie Star or White Maman Cochet. The color orange brings into play Bambino for the miniature class, Sunset Boulevard or Sunbonnet Hue for the Tall roses. The purple category is quite large of which you can find names of Lavendaer Dream, Purple Passion or Tuscany Rose.

For the all important color red, the Names of Roses to look for could be Amore, Red Corvette, Hope for Humanity or believe or not even Super Hero. There is even a green colored rose called Supergreen and black roses have names such as Black Beauty, Black Cherry and Black Magic.

Some of the more fascinating roses are the ones that are multi-colored. The names that are given to some of this variety are: Bella, Hocus Pocus, Luxor and Marmelade. How more exciting can it be to propagate your own type and name the new whatever you wish!

The list of names of roses is quite a long list due to the categories involved such as color, size, type of blossoms, and zones. You can either search the internet, check out your neighbors yards or what you might see as you are driving through a local neighbor hood. Better yet, take some time and browse through your local nursery and you will find an amazing selection of roses that have some beautiful names.

Names of Roses
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