Pop-Up Tents - An Educational Tool For Kids

When my firstborn was just learning to crawl, my sister gave us these two pop up tents. One is in the shape of a regular tent, and one is in the fun shape of a lion. The body is a long tube and the head has a large tent opening. These have proven invaluable to our family.

Play Yard Baby

We now have three boys, with one more on the way. These pop-up tents are part of daily play. My oldest is able to open them up himself. He can also close them and tuck them away, since they take up no space at all. He is teaching his little brother to do the same, although he is sometimes impatient with his little brother's slower ability. This is nice that they can do it themselves. In the early days, they would keep calling me to open them every time one would collapse, which would be quite often with their roughhousing.

Play Yard Baby

My baby, who is on the verge of walking, loves to explore these tents. His brothers see it as an opportunity to play peek-a-boo with him. It allows him to further understand direction, when he practices going in and out of the tents. These are really an educational gem.

They are an educational gem for the older boys, as well. We have a large playroom, but the boys all share a bedroom. The tents give them a little private place to hang out by themselves. The oldest can build more intricate block towers in the tents without worrying the little ones will come and knock them over. My middle son can work diligently on his block creations without the fear that his older brother will come along and tell him he's doing it wrong, then try to fix it.

Let's not forget about playing make believe. Of course, you can play camping in a pop-up tent, but my kids don't limit themselves. They play cars in there the most, but also pretend that the tunnel is a train tunnel. There are unlimited things a kid could dream of playing in a pop-up tent.

I can't think of any reason that anyone would not want to get pop-up tents. Of course, mine were free, a hand-me-down form my sister, but I've seen them at yard sales for less than . Even if you want to get them online, you can find them for less than . They take up no space at all when they are folded up, so space is not an issue. We tuck ours in the corner of out playroom behind a larger toy. With all of the fun and educational opportunities they provide, they are an asset.

Pop-Up Tents - An Educational Tool For Kids
Play Yard Baby

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